
Science Department Staff
Mrs F Kennedy (Head of Department)
Mr C Lawther
Mrs B Carson
Mrs L Cochrane
Mrs A Ferry
Mr R Clifford (Technician)
Why Study Science?
Science helps our understanding of the world around us. Everything we know about the universe, from what an atom is made up of to how plants grow, is the result of scientific research and experiment. From our knowledge of gravity to new vaccines, students of Science have shaped our world.
All of these advances can trace their origin back to individuals learning about Science as students. That’s why it is in the interests of governments, and wider society to promote Science as a subject at schools; as scientific advances improve our quality of life leading to a better tomorrow.
Science skills allow you to take part in public debate and decision making about Science and health matters and understanding Science helps people act responsibly towards the environment
Qualifications in Science often help people into a wide range of interesting, well paid jobs.
"Science explains how the world works - I love how factual it is!"
"I enjoy Science because the practical work is really fun and exciting."
"I absolutely love doing experiements, using chemicals and exploring different reactions. It is really fun!"
KS3 Science Course Details
Year 8 Knowledge
Learning To Be A Scientist – an introduction to the safe use of apparatus, planning experiments and measurement.
Cells and Reproduction
Building Blocks – particle theory, atoms, molecules, elements and compounds
Living Things
Year 9 Knowledge
Acids and Alkalis
Earth and Space
Food, Diet and Teeth
The Atmosphere
Year 10 Knowledge
In Year 10 pupils can be taught Biology, Chemistry and Physics, or continue with a combined course.
Breathing and Respiration
Blood and Circulation
Building Blocks
Metals And Their Reactions
Atomic Structure
Moments and Pressure
Heat Transfer
“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.”
– Edwin Powell Hubble (1889-1953), American astronomer, after whom The Hubble Space Telegraph was named.

Career Options
Studying any of the sciences can lead to numerous rewarding careers. Some of which are:
Renewable Energy Engineers
Sport Scientists
Mechanical Engineers
Robotic Engineers