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Blog Post

25th March 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I wish to inform you that, in consultation with the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Governors, the decision has been taken to close school from 3.30pm this afternoon, in light of current circumstances.

Whilst the school building will not be open to staff or pupils, please be assured that our staff are working remotely to support you in any way that we can.

You can contact school by using any of the email addresses that are located in the Guidance Handbook, posted on the school’s website and on the school’s Facebook page last week. For your convenience, however, I have provided a reminder below:

 IT Helpdesk (for any issue with passwords/access):

Curriculum Support (for any subject questions/queries):                            

Pastoral Support (for contact with any member of our pastoral team – eg: Form Teacher, Year Head, VP):                                        

As you know, these email addresses will be checked regularly to ensure that your child’s learning is structured and that it continues effectively. Resources (including PDF copies of booklets), will be posted on SMHW and on Google Classroom so that your child has everything that they need.

I take this opportunity to express my thanks to you all for your continued understanding at this time.

J. McCoy



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