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Blog Post

23rd March 2020

Dear Parent/Guardians and Pupils,

I hope that you are all well and trust that you are all keeping safe.

Pupils are no doubt working on the many resources that the expert teachers at Lurgan Junior High School have put on ‘Google Classroom’ and ‘ShowMyHomeWork’.

Please continue to treat today as a normal school day, with plenty of structure to it – that way, you will prevent yourself from becoming bored and you will ensure that you continue to learn effectively.

This morning, senior staff are in school and have been working to ensure that all children have access to the resources and to ensure that relevant support is in place for you.

We would remind you of the Guidance Handbook that went on to our website and Facebook pages last week and in particular, would draw your attention to the support email addresses on the first page. I know that the IT support address will be of importance to you at this time as you get to grips with learning in this way:

In addition, Mr Logan has put a video on Facebook and on our website which demonstrates to parents and pupils how they can log into Google Classroom. Further videos are in the process of being made to support you. Please keep a close eye out for these.

Early indications are that there has been a lot of interest in the weekly challenge set by Miss Osborne and Mr Lunn and, just to clarify, we have no issue with families taking part in this challenge. Please note, however, that this is not compulsory – it is just intended as a bit of fun for the children.

Pupils who have parents who are key workers have received separate information from school about supervision and we look forward to supporting them from tomorrow onwards.

In the meantime, I encourage all of our young people to engage with their learning and I express my gratitude for your continued support at this difficult time.

Yours faithfully,

J. McCoy



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