Home Economics

HE Department Staff
Mrs J Graham (Head of Department)
Mrs D Gray
Mrs E Walker
Mrs S Wilkinson
Mrs E Blakely (Technician)
Why Study Home Economics?
Studying Home Economics equips young people to make healthy choices, shop wisely and become independent members of society. It is a practical subject that can promote and enhance the well-being of individuals, families and communities through understanding food choice, nutritional health, consumer issues and relationships.
The skills, knowledge and understanding developed through studying Home Economics are important in today’s society, where:
many people rely on ready-made meals;
obesity is an increasing problem; and
diet-related illness is prevalent.
At Lurgan Junior High School, we deliver a curriculum that is challenging, current and engaging. Pupils have opportunities to learn about three key concepts:
Healthy Eating;
Home and Family Life; and
Independent Living.
"H.E. is a really useful subject because it teaches us how to cook lots of healthy food - I love making what I learn at home!"
"I like H.E. because you get to bake and make new foods and learn how to make food healthy and better for you."
"I absolutely love the practical work in H.E. - we get to make lots of tasty food and sit down after and eat it all!"
Healthy Eating
Provides opportunities to develop understanding required in the choice, planning, storage, preparation, cooking and serving of food.
Home & Family Life
Provides opportunities to understand the importance of the family as a caring unit.
Independant Living
Provides opportunities to understand the importance of becoming discerning consumers and effective managers of resources.
KS3 Home Economics Course Details
Year 8 Knowledge
Welcome to Home Economics
Choosing a Healthy Lifestyle
Food Labelling
​Year 8 Practicals
Chessboard Sandwich
Paddy Pizza
Bean’s on Toast
Yule Log
Lentil and Carrot Soup
Fruit Smoothie
Easter Nests
Tomato and Cheese Pasta Bake
Year 9 Knowledge
Safe Preparation and Storage of Food
Eat Less Fat
Don’t Skip Breakfast
Consumers, Shopping, Payment and Your Rights
Weighing and Measuring
​Year 9 Practicals
Apple Sponge
Chicken Stir-fry
Pasta Salad
Year 10 Knowledge
A Vegetarian in the Family
Good Nutrition through the Life Stages
Food Provenance and The Food Supply Chain
​Year 10 Practicals
Chicken and Bacon Pasta Bake
Apple Muffins
Vegetarian Assessment
Chocolate Cupcakes
Spaghetti Bolognese
Thai Green Curry
“I feel I have a right to take pride and a particular interest in what happens in the College of Home Economics. To me, it is the most important part of the university, for Home Economics concerns the homes of the people of this country.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt, 1934

Career Options
Northern Ireland has a proud heritage of food and farming, placing Home Economics as a vibrant subject that best meets the demands of our current economic climate. There are many qualifications and employment opportunities/careers available through studying Home Economics. These include:
Consumer Marketing
Food Engineering
Food Journalism
Food Product Development
Food Science Nutrition
Home Economics Teacher
Health Promotion
Health and Safety
Occupational Therapy
Production Operations
Supply Chain and Logistics