
Art Department Staff
Mrs K Bell (Head of Department)
Mrs J Clements
Mrs V Patterson
Why Study Art?
Art and Design is an integral part of our lives. At Lurgan Junior High school, through our extensive Key Stage 3 Art and Design course, we teach the foundation skills, knowledge, and techniques required to pursue courses and career pathways within the Creative industries. We believe that being creative promotes positive mental health and wellbeing.
Through research and exploration of professional practitioners’ work, our students gain essential knowledge and strong practical skills to enable them to express themselves using a wide range of materials. By developing their imagination through creative experimentation and application of techniques they can demonstrate mature, well considered ideas and personal outcomes. Through experience with a variety of media including paint, textiles, three-dimensional construction, drawing and digital media students enhance their fine motor skills, problem solving and thinking skills. Our students enhance their confidence, develop independence and effective teamwork skills through their ability to critically reflect on peer and individual progress. These are transferrable qualities that prove invaluable within the world of work.
Art and Design activities enable pupils to:
Develop knowledge, understanding, skills and processes by exploring creative ideas through research and investigation of Artists, Designers, Craftspeople and Cultural influences both past and present.
Understand and implement the use of the formal visual elements of Art and Design.
Develop personal outcomes through practical investigations.
Develop creative thinking skills.
Explore and refine skills using a range of media including pencils, paint, printmaking, textiles, ceramics, 3-dimensional construction or prototyping and lens based or digital media.
Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.
Use drawing skills for purposes appropriate to the context of their work, as an expressive process, planning or developmental tool.
Understand rules of composition placement and layout.
Evaluate and appreciate their own and others work through questioning , discussion and reflection.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of professional practitioners’ work by developing critical written analysis using key language and terminology.
"I like learning different techniques. In Art and design, you can explore 3-D and 2-D materials as well as photography and digital media."
"I believe Art is the most creative way to express your feelings. It is very relaxing and promotes positive mental health."
"I love Art because its a creative way to express yourself and I really enjoy using different media and styles of pencil, paint and pen work. "
KS3 Art Course Details
Year 8 Knowledge
Shading and tone - Investigating tone, shading and mark making application through exploration of geometric shapes.
Colour theory – Knowledge of the colour wheel, key terminology and application of colour mixing and blending techniques.
Critical text – Developing written analysis of work by both contemporary and traditional artists, designers and / or craftspeople.
Observational drawing – Enhancing drawing skills by drawing sweets from first-hand observations.
Portraiture – Applying pervious knowledge of shading to create a self-portrait using appropriate grades of pencils and applying colour in the background that demonstrates appropriate colour theory.
Toys - Developing a theme from a starting point to 3-dimensional realisation and construction.
Year 9 Knowledge
Still Life – Investigating the theme, Natural forms. Developing skills in mixed media techniques including watercolour painting, pen and ink and colouring pencil application.
Surrealism – Research and knowledge of surrealism. Experience in textiles and photo montage. Using inspiration from professional practitioners work to complete a project from a starting point to a successful personal outcome.
Cultural masks – Exploration of different cultures to develop ideas and inspire a successful design featuring pattern, texture, and colour. Development of 2-dimensional relief work.
Year 10 Knowledge
Pop Art - Understanding of the theme popular culture. Knowledge of work styles by a range of American Pop Artists. Planning and producing relevant personal compositions and outcomes that demonstrate skilful painting techniques and application.
Explorational portfolio – Understanding and development of media and techniques through investigation and knowledge of the work of others.
Cultural containers – Developing a theme from initial ideas and planning to visual realisation and 3-dimensional construction.
“Creativity is intelligence having fun”
– Albert Einstein

Career Options
Exciting career opportunities within the creative industries are open to students who pursue GCSE, A level and degree courses in Art. Studying Art develops the skills required for professions such as: Animator, Architect, Art Therapist, Exhibition Designer, Fashion Designer, Fine Artist, Florist, Furniture Designer, Graphic Designer, Jewellery Maker, Web designer, Illustrator, Interior Designer, Make-Up Artist, Landscaper, Packaging Designer, Cartoonist, Textile designer, Teacher, Game / character designer, Product designer, Gallery curator, Arts therapist, Costume/Set Designer, craftsperson, Arts restorer.